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MediShield Life’s impact three months after its launch – CNA
Madam See pays S$50 for treatments every month after subsidies from Medishield Life, compared to the S$1,000 when she had not been covered by a health insurance scheme.
Travel insurer says sales soar on Zika fears – CNA
Travel insurance sales for trips to Latin America have surged as vacationers consider scrapping their plans to avoid the rapidly spreading Zika virus, one of the top U.S. providers, RoamRight, told Reuters on Monday.
Don’t make these basic financial mistakes. I did. – ST
About a month ago, my colleague Dennis Chan shared with readers the huge difference having health insurance made when it came to paying for the costly surgery needed to treat his daughter's scoliosis. I would [...]
High fees put people off investing: Surveys – AsiaOne
Investing in unit trusts or equities can achieve potentially better returns and help diversify a portfolio but many people are put off by the high costs associated with these investments. Two polls conducted by The [...]
What you need to know about CPF Life
A quick summary of the most important points you must know about CPF Life, because it concerns you.
8 Main Changes of CPF Scheme in 2016
Several CPF scheme changes were approved in 2015 and just came into effect in 2016. Here are the most significant changes that you must be aware of.
What are your rights under the PDPA and DNC?
The whole objective of PDPA (Personal Data Protection Act) is to protect the personal data of individuals i.e. you. The first thing you need to understand is the definition of 'personal data'. The PDPA defines [...]
Are Medishield Integrated Shield Plans worthwhile?
Confused about Medishield Life and the various Integrated Shield Plans? Here are the 4 main considerations for you when deciding whether you need IPs.
Do I need insurance survey?
Dear friend, This is a simple survey that might give you some clue on whether there is any urgent need for more coverage for your needs. Do note that this is an informal survey and [...]
Financial planning simple survey
Dear friends, Thank you for taking this short 5 minutes to help me out with this survey because it will really help me understand your needs and feedback. Thank you very much! [ipt_fsqm_form id="4"]
Why You Need Critical Illness Insurance (But not your parents)
You may have reasoned that your parents never had critical illness insurance, so why do I need one? Here's why.