This is the personal website of James Lim, an established financial consultant who is serving hundreds of happy clients. Through this site, he hopes to keep his clients and new prospects updated on latest developments that will impact their financial plans. This site will also give potential clients a good idea of who James is and how he can help them achieve their financial objectives.


James Lim started out working in the government, before going on to found and run a highly successful IT company for about 10 years. He moved into the finance industry in 2016 and has since become a member of the prestigious Million-Dollar Round Table. He builds his business on the foundation of integrity and trust, which is why most of his clients have placed their investments and financial plans with him.

Term Insurance

Home/Term Insurance

Is a Term Insurance policy suitable for me?

By | 2017-06-14T13:10:24+00:00 November 9th, 2015|Term Insurance|

If you have just been introduced to a Term policy product and you are wondering if it is really suitable for your needs, I hope that I can help clarify your doubts here. Term Insurance policies as its name suggests, are meant to last only for a specified term of period of time. Thus the [...]

3 things to look out for when buying Term Insurance

By | 2015-11-09T16:39:31+00:00 November 9th, 2015|Term Insurance|

Term Insurance is a very popular option in people's portfolio of insurance. Not only does it provide good coverage on death and disability, it is very affordable too. However, when one is considering purchasing a Term Insurance, here are a few things to look out for to get the best deal. 1. What is the [...]